Social Dude

Internet Technology

Secure Online Accounts

Now is the best time to log into and secure online accounts you have open across all the social and web based sites. How many of us have opened accounts with web based services to accomplish one task and then never return… well, for a really long time… then one day you decide to go log into one of those ancient sites to see what information is out there on (sorry to pick on you) Friendster. Yep, you still have that account out there. But you've g...

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  10266 Hits

The rise of search as navigation

Arthur C. Clarke isn't credited with creating the first search engine; that honor goes to a student at McGill University during the infancy of the Internet. Clarke, however, certainly had a handle on what we're still looking for in his HAL 9000 creation—perhaps the most famous example of artificial intelligence of its era. If you'll pardon the quick trip back in movie history, HAL 9000 was the spaceship Discovery's paranoid central computer that ...

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  1027 Hits

Will Facebook Changes Hurt Bulgaria’s Digital Businesses?

In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica-Facebook data scandal, Facebook is changing the way that it operates, by putting business posts on the back burner. This is reportedly a response to "Facebook fatigue", which is a euphemism for people getting tired of using the social media network. It's safe to say that the changes are also a form damage control after the data debacle. Facebook execs want users to have a more meaningful experience at the pl...

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  1925 Hits

3 Online Tools That Will Allow Your Event Management Business To Thrive

A €150 million injection is a welcome surprise for Bulgarian entrepreneurs, as was recently announced at the Sofia Startup Show. For entrepreneurs, cash is always top of mind when running the day-to-day activities, which means careful attention should be paid to helpful tools that won't drain the budget. Online tools that help with CMS and CRM are a good place to start, but for the event management companies, a little more is needed. Discover onl...

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  1753 Hits

The Importance of Technology Commercialization For Our Future

Technology commercialization seems a complicated term at first sight, but its meaning is an easy one: the process of transforming knowledge into services/ products. Simple, but exceptional ideas are analyzed in labs, converted into services and products, and then launched to a wider international community. The main purpose of technology commercialization is to add more value to the new products/services developed and based on the appropriate com...

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  1403 Hits

The Importance of High-Tech and Internet Know-How

The world around us is changing rapidly at a faster rate. High-technological advances and the internet seem to be the centre of attraction today driving us toward globalization. Millions of people from different corners of the world worship high-tech slick gadgets and spend much of their time on the internet. Simply put, the main reason people will look obsolete in tomorrow's world is because they have spent years and learned nothing about the ba...

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  1437 Hits

Safeguarding Information Security and Technology

Undoubtedly, Information technology has become increasingly important. It has become a part of the day-to-day operations of businesses, companies, government and non-government organizations. Daily living of an average individual involves computer and technology: communication, e-commerce, online banking transactions and other financial and work-related activities. Companies, entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises have become more reliant...

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  1514 Hits

Importance of Radio Technology

Radio technology enables a person to connect to someone from any part of the globe. The technology ensures relay of important information in real time. It makes the world a smaller but safer place to live. Two way communications are vital for public safety. This kind of radio technology is the one used by policemen, firemen, security guards and pilots. Policemen use this to warn associates in case of a criminal chase. Firemen use the radio to com...

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  2509 Hits