Safety while visiting Doctor

Don't avoid your doctor during this pandemic. Don't think it's too risky to avail medical care.
20 June 2020
Don't avoid your doctor during this pandemic. Don't think it's too risky to avail medical care.
20 June 2020 ·   4 years ago
Sneezing into your elbow can effectively prevent the fluids from spreading, whereas you could still sneeze through a tissue or hanky and end up with gunk all over your hands.

So, whatever you do, cover up that sneezes because they produce not...
Sneezing into your elbow can effectively prevent the fluids from spreading, whereas you could still sneeze through a tissue or hanky and end up with gunk all over your hands.

So, whatever you do, cover up that sneezes because they produce not just infectious droplets, but whole clouds of gas.
20 June 2020 ·   4 years ago
Before you go to the doctor it will be helpful to inform the doctor about the details of the symptoms you are having like fever, cough & cold.

Doctor will take more care of you & help you what to do next. All this to prevent the spread of...
Before you go to the doctor it will be helpful to inform the doctor about the details of the symptoms you are having like fever, cough & cold.

Doctor will take more care of you & help you what to do next. All this to prevent the spread of infection.
20 June 2020 ·   4 years ago
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