Social Dude

Internet Technology

Windows Backup Recovery Tool an Easiest Solution to Restore BKF File

Data is crucial for any enterprise or organization or any individual user and this has to be protected. The best way taken for safety of data is creating a backup of data. NTBackup utility in Windows XP is an inbuilt feature which backs up data as a .bkf file. This will protect data against any accidental loss of user data, hardware failures, database corruptions, and natural disasters. Unfortunately, this backup generated is not immune to data corruption and any external threat can corrupt this backup file also. In such situation Windows Backup recovery tool is the only way through which one...

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  1802 Hits

How Can I Resolved of Zip File Corruption Problem? Zip File Recovery Tool

  ZIP file format is basically used when there bulk of files need to sent via an email. It is considered the safest way because you can zip multiple files and send in a single mail instead of creating one mail after the other. Information which is recorded in two Zip files header should be equal. Or say that the recorded information about the file is found in Central directory match the info recorded about the same file in Local directory. The information you add should be accurate. As this file is an open source, there are chances to receive a...

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  1793 Hits

Ch D: Mr Richard Arnold QC, sitting as a deputy High Court judge: 24 January 2005

The law in relation to cause of action estoppel as developed in patents and registered designs cases applied to trade mark cases, so that (i) a person who attacked the validity of a trade mark was under a duty to put his full case in support of that attack at trial; and (ii) if he were unsuccessful, he would be barred by cause of action estoppel from attacking the validity of that trade mark in subsequent proceedings whether or not on the same or different grounds. Such an estoppel did not however extend to bar a claim for revocation of that...

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  5182 Hits

4 Ways Smartphones Can Save Live TV

Linear TV is increasingly under threat from all sides with videogames, iPads, tablets and smartphones all becoming prime competitors. On top of this, there is an increased interest in viewing non-linear and on-demand TV. Yet, smartphones could be the key to keeping live TV compelling and profitable. Consumer behaviour is changing quickly: 86% of Americans already use their phones while watching TV. Smartphones are already  augmenting the linear TV experience, and could actually help to increase the hours of live events viewed in four different ways: 1.     Mobile apps A recent AC Nielsen survey revealed that 33% of consumers regularly use mobile apps while watching TV. This...

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  2074 Hits

Openwave JumpTap combine context and profiling for mobile ads

  Openwave and JumpTap are teaming up to deliver a combined context and profiling service for what they promise will be highly targeted mobile advertising. As more and more mobile providers provide flat rate internet access, this sort of targeting will become ever more important. Current advertising solutions are based on either application context or profile, not both, so this is the first time advertisers will be able to target individuals based on an optimal blend of profile and context. Adam Soroca, vice president and general manager of Search at JumpTap tells us: “Our search engine generates a wealth of information about what mobile...

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  1899 Hits

Legacy Fundraising - and everything you ever needed to know about it.

Seminar Leader: Richard RadcliffeDate: Tuesday 1st July 10.00am - 3.30pm, Registration from 9.30amVenue: The Four Seasons Hotel, BallsbridgeCost: €115 (includes lunch) The main speaker will be Richard Radcliffe who will present and discuss concepts around the theme of 'Legacies - Making it dead easy'   Legacies are not about death and dying but about the future life of your charity. This programme will inform you of: the outcomes of research with almost 15,000 donors in various focus groups and will debate the legacy visions and legacy communications which can be used by all charities - possibly at no cost at all. The programme will debate...

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  3766 Hits

MI6: Halo 3 'Transcended Pop Culture'

In a special presentation at the recent MI6 Conference, Microsoft marketers talked about the success story that is Halo 3. MS wanted to make sure the mainstream, not just the hardcore, viewed Master Chief as a hero. by N. Evan Van Zelfden on Thursday, April 10, 2008 One the biggest game success stories in recent years has been Microsoft's Halo 3. And at the MI6 conference in San Francisco, the marketing minds behind some of the biggest projects gave a presentation on how they'd planned to conquer the market – and how the titles had succeeded.Jerret West, a global group product manager...

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  3207 Hits

Switch from PSD to Joomla websites to acquire high performance in tough market

As per the analysis, web designing has gained enough of popularity and has gone through innumerable changes. The development platform has also been proven as the most steady and rapid one and in the contemporary era, there are millions of websites all over the internet that are containing the various topics as well as data. It is also a very true fact that internet has turned to be the fastest growing platform for marketing, thus in order to get exposure all the types of industries are having their website. Thus, with the growing need of business and people, a plethora of...

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  1813 Hits